Ultimate SP BBQ Chicken Burger
If your’e a fan of the Easy Extra SP Plan on Slimming World (I am!) then you’re probably aware that one of the keys to a successful run of SP…
Speed Food Shopping List
I am forever looking up which foods are speed and which aren’t when I’m planning my meals, and it gets boring! So I decided to pull this list together using…
Easy Extra SP Explained (updated with December 2018 changes)
The Slimming World plan is a dream for anyone like me, who loves food and more specifically loves eating food! It’s a non-restrictive healthy eating plan, not a diet. You…
Chilli & Paprika Carrot Chips
I’ve been enjoying a few SP days recently, trying to speed up my weight loss and compensate for a fair few off plan days (sorry Slimming World!). Unfortunately on an…