8 Money Saving Tips for Slimming World
Guess what….Slimming World doesn’t have to cost a lot! I know, it might shock you, but honestly it really doesn’t! I often see people lamenting the fact that this is an expensive lifestyle plan and if I’m honest, for a long time I agreed with them. I’ve never been very good with money and food is something that has for a long time sucked a lot of my funds. However, 2017 is the year of budgeting and I have recently discovered that this is surprisingly easy when it comes to food, and specifically when it comes to Slimming World. So here are my top tips to saving money on Slimming World, they’ve worked for me and hopefully they’ll work for you!
Meal Prep, Meal Prep, Meal Prep
It’s one of those buzz phrases which people throw around and sometimes it can be a bit annoying to see everyone ‘meal prepping’ their brightly coloured and supremely healthy meals. However, you don’t have to be some Instagram star to successfully meal prep your way to money saving success and you don’t have to use a whole host of weird ingredients. Batch cooking a big load of soup (like my Syn Free Vegetable Soup and Syn Free Cream of Chicken Soup) and freeze them for your lunches at work with save you buying packet soups and only set you back a few pounds for the entire lot! Meal prepping also means that you always have something in the fridge to take to work or enjoy in the evening which means you’re not heading to your local Pret for a high syn and high cost meal, or giving in to takeaway. Both purse and syn friendly!
Never Shop Hungry
Again this a case of whatever is good for your budget tends to be good for your waistline and just as much as you should never shop on an empty stomach to avoid the temptation of chocolate and sweets, you should also avoid doing so to stop you putting unnecessary items in your shopping cart! If you’re hungry and thinking about food then you’re much more likely to see something you might fancy and pop it in, even if it’s not on your shopping list!
Always Make A Meal Plan
Meal planning doesn’t take long and can take the stress out of your week ahead, it can also save you a great deal of money! If you plan then you know what you need and when you need it. That means that you never have anything in the fridge that doesn’t get used which means nothing goes to waste, which is good because wasted food is wasted money! You’re also saving because you’re not buying twice, genuinely halving what you might have been paying! You can use my meal plans here and here for ideas and keep your eyes peeled for more throughout 2017!
Shop Online
The benefit of doing your supermarket shopping online, whether you get it delivered or click and collect is twofold. Firstly supermarkets like to promote their deals at you online, so you’ve got them all at your fingertips. This means you’ll see where you might be saving money which can be very helpful for saving money. The other benefit is that you can easily evaluate your shopping basket and take things out which you don’t need. It makes it a lot easier to stick to your decided budget if you can see the numbers clocking up on your screen then you can stop when you reach your limit!
Stock Up on Speed Food
Vegetables are healthy and cheap! You don’t need to spend a lot of money to make bulky, filling and syn free meals, especially if you fill them up with good veg! Fruit can often be quite expensive (£3 for a tiny pack of rapsberries…you’ve got to be having a laugh!) but that doesn’t mean you can’t find good bargains if you look for them. You can also get great prices on fruit and veg when you think outside the box and shop at your local world food shops!
Always Buy Spices
Spices and dried herbs can cover a multitude of syns and can make even the most mundane meal taste amazing! You can also create a whole host of different flavours and recipes using a limited variety of ingredients. Take mince for example, with the addition of quite a small number of ingredients and the right spices you could make bolognese, chilli, shepherds pie, burgers, meatballs and a whole host of other recipes! What’s more, tubs or jars of spice don’t usually set you back (and are another thing you can get from your local world foods supermarket!) and last for ages so you don’t have to restock that often…win win!
Bulk It Out With Veg
As I’ve already said, veg tends to be pretty cheap compared to meat, so if you’re struggling for funds but still want to make big family meals then try bulking the food out with vegetables to make it go further. The added bonus of course is that you’ll be eating more veg which can’t hurt, and you’ll probably find that your family don’t even notice too much! I know a lot of people don’t add veg into meals because of protesting children, but cut it all up really small, don’t tell them and make sure to season with plenty of yummy herbs and spices and you might just find that your sneaky vegetable additions go unnoticed! If you’re trying to get more vegetables into your families diet I can also recommend checking out the blog Sneaky Veg, which is full of great, easily Slimming World adaptable, recipes for families which do just that!
So, there you have it! My top tips for saving money whilst on Slimming World! If you have any other ideas or tips feel free to share them in the comments below!
12/01/2017 at 10:36 pm
Stacey Price
01/05/2017 at 9:33 pm
02/05/2017 at 11:50 am
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21/10/2018 at 12:16 am